Frequently asked questions.

1. Is this group only for girls?

This is an inclusive program that accepts any person identifying as a girl and non-binary individuals.

2. Is this a therapy group?

Talking, or sharing circles, in group therapy have been a successful part of rehabilitative therapy for decades and have consistently shown to provide a level of support just by gathering in a facilitated group and sharing similar experiences. 
And although our teen circles can be therapeutic, and ultimately even healing, we are not medical professionals and are not here to diagnose, fix, or correct. We will alert parents if anything serious is discussed that could be harmful to the individual or others.

3. Are girls required to share?

We never force a girl to share and each girl has the option to pass if we are going around to each participant asking for a share. 

It is also worth noting that many of our shares discuss issues in general, for example what we think about certain topics, but not requiring individuals to share personal experiences unless they feel called and are ready to share.

Furthermore, in regards to girls who tend to be more shy, I have witnessed this program truly helping girls to find their voice. The experience of being around other peers and hearing their challenges and perspectives on an emotional level, often safely opens the doors for more internal girls to test the waters and share the gifts they so much have to offer. 

4. What about privacy?

We do create agreements with the girls, and ask each participant to not share any material or any part of the program outside of our group. We will not record any sessions and our community cohort group chat will be private and locked to the public. Also, no pictures of the girls will be published without written consent from the participant and their caregiver.

5. Does the program have a refund policy?

Yes, we want you to be happy. You can get a full refund up to two weeks within the program with no questions asked. This should be enough time for your teen to dip in and see if they really like it.

We also really want this program to be a success and we always appreciate feedback so when can better meet the needs of the girls and make our program the best it can be!  

So tell us what didn’t work and ways we can improve, we want to know! 

6. What if we cannot afford the program but we would really like to participate?

We are very aware of financial limitations that vary for each family. Financial scholarships are provided in each session on a limited basis. Please do be in communication with us and fill out our scholarship application. Click here to apply for a scholarship.

Still have questions?

We’re here to help!