

Our Spring 2021 program runs April 18th - May 22nd and will serve teen girls ages 13 & 14 years old. Space is limited. The facilitated Zoom calls will happen on Sundays during the series. The time of the calls is TBD based on the variety of time zones we will serve. Each Teen Circle program has 15 spots total.

Programs for 11 & 12 year olds and 15 & 16 year olds coming soon! Join the waitlist at the bottom of the page.


“I could share what I needed to and get a bunch of feelings off my chest and support other girls going through things too.”

— Talia, 13
Teen Circle Member

How the program works

This is a 5 week online course in which your teen girl will be guided to explore a topic each week through self-reflection, facilitated group activities, community connection and daily inspirations.

We weave together playing games (yes even online), individual and group shares, we reflect on journal prompts, tune in with our bodies and envision through art with lots of laughter and fun too!

What’s included

Weekly themes

Our program offers weekly facilitated private zoom calls with a cohort of peers that occur every Sunday during the series. You will also receive videos to inspire inquiry and daily inspirations that explore each theme.

In-depth sessions

This course will help to build tools for self-confidence, learning to speak their truth and tap into the abundance of their own self-worth!

Connection & community

We also will have a private group chat where we will unravel these topics together as a close-knit community

What we’ll cover


Week 1:
Relationship Skills

In week one we dive into skills for handling conflict, we offer non-violent communication tools, we reflect on how we show up as a friend, how to attract your tribe, dealing with mean girls, relationships with parents and much more.


Week 2:
Redefining Beauty

This week we look at how we view our bodies and self-image. Navigating social media and societal beauty pressures, the importance of positive talk about ourselves and our bodies and ways to define what beauty really is and feels like.


Week 3:
Self Care

We dive further in on week three into the importance of self-care. How to combat stress and anxiety in the body. Looking at the cycles of our body, the importance of releasing emotional build up. We offer fun ways to destress and feel good in our bodies.


Week 4: Boundaries and Consent

Learning our true yes and no is huge when dealing with pressures from friends, relationships and dating, and so much more. We discuss bullying, standing up for oneself and others during week four of the course.


Week 5: Building Self-Compassion

The most important piece girls can take away from our program is learning to really feel good about who they are. Recognizing the power of our own self-worth and that we are more than enough!

Teen Circles

for 13 & 14 year olds start April 18th, 2021

Questions before getting started?

Check out the FAQ

Click on the age group below to join the waitlist