Meet Heather


Hi, I’m Heather

For most of us, being a teenage girl was difficult. There were insecurities, judgement, relationship problems and there was not a lot of support. We had to figure it out on our own as we grew into women and often carried emotional wounds from our adolescent years. What if authentic support could be there for our teen girls during these pivotal years? Imagine how impactful this could be. I am passionate about helping girls know how to feel worthy, powerful and to make wise choices. 


I received my undergraduate in psychology and took on many roles in the social and educational field over the last 25 years. I have served as a social worker, grant writer, childcare facility director, literacy specialist and a teacher in both private and public schools.

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A little more about me

Traveling- I have so many locations on my bucket list and funny enough I am afraid of flying but do it anyway.

Nature-I love the beach and the mountains equally. Don’t ask me to choose. 

Music- I appreciate all kinds of music and like to sing and play the drum. Also give me some good dancing music and I’ll get shakin’ and movin’ in a heartbeat. 


Animals- I adore all animals and have a very loved dog, he is actually the best dog there is:) and our cat, she’s from royalty I’m pretty sure. I also grew up riding horses and still find horses the most majestic animals ever. 

Culture- I like learning about other cultures, people, traditions and I can even speak some Portuguese. I have some great travel stories to share. 

Family- Most of all I love spending time with my three children and husband in our awesome hometown of Austin, Texas!  


I can help.


Find your authentic voice

I provide a place where girls can be truly heard, seen and accepted without judgment. Creating a space to share what is really going on in their hearts and minds. 

Build your confidence

In a Teen Circle, girls can learn to trust their own inner guidance. Helping them build a healthy sense of identity, self-love and self-worth.

Create lasting connection

In our program, girls begin to see their peers in a new way; recognizing everyone is having similar experiences and that they are not alone in their struggles.